Are you a Mrs G VIB?

Today is the launch of the Mrs G TV & Appliances VIB series, the first of its kind for a business in the Princeton area. It is also my first time as a Blogger Event Coordinator INSTEAD OF the blogger attending. I'm switching hats for the day and it's exciting!

I'm so excited for everyone to meet CEO Debbie Schaeffer, a 3rd generation female business owner, who will take attendees on a tour of her 20,000 sf. designer showroom. They will learn how Debbie has continued to make Mrs G TV & Appliances a success for nearly 75 years. In addition, attendees will be treated to a delicious Salmon lunch prepared live on the Electrolux (the event sponsor) induction cook-top, a fast and reliable kitchen appliance.

If you want to be part of the Mrs G VIB experience and attend one of our future blogger workshops, leading off with Dr. Joanna Dolgoff, Dr. Weigh, in January, give me a shout or send me a Tweet.

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