Mrs. Mo's Review: 19 Minutes, by Jodi Picoult

I just finished an amazing and shocking book. Nineteen Minutes, by Jodi Picoult, is one of those books that you don't want to put down. I'm not an avid reader, but when I find an author that writes with such vivid reality and emotion, I am sucked in!

I can only supply a brief synopsis without giving away too much information. In short, Nineteen Minutes chronicles the story of a school shooting in New Hampshire. Picoult uses flashbacks to paint a picture of the shooter's childhood that no parent wants for their child. I was surprised by how easily I felt sorry for the boy because I see that frustration in some of my own students who get picked on. However, as the prosecution points out in the trial, most kids who are bullied don't shoot people. If only we could save those who want to.

In between the flashback chapters, the reader is led through the aftermath of the shooting up to the trial and verdict.

Despite the sensitive nature of this subject, Nineteen Minutes is a book that mothers and teachers should read. It makes you think about behavior between kids, reactions by adults, and how we can help a child who might be in danger.

I started reading the book on Memorial Day Weekend and just finished it yesterday. Next, I'm onto My Sister's Keeper, also by Jodi Picoult. Stay tuned...

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