Happy Graduation!

Today is the Commencement ceremony for the senior class at Morristown-Beard School (where I work). I went through the ceremony myself, 10 years ago in the same spot! Those of you with kids in public high school have to wait a few more weeks to wish your kids well, but you should already be thinking what to give them! And please...no new cars! Most kids can't take them to college anyway! Here are some good gifts to give your graduate:

  1. Personalized Grad Throws: These are a great gift that your child can take to college. Either shop from gift.com or see if your school has their own donning the school colors and buildings. I have one.

  2. 1 Share of a Blue-Chip Stock: It's a good idea that your child learns how the stock market works and it's more fun to be personally invested, especially in some top companies. Examples of Stocks: GE, Adobe, Amazon.com, AT&T, Barnes & Noble, eBay, Exxon, Coca-Cola, Gap, and many more.

  3. Oh The Places You Will Go: What is graduation without some wisdom from Dr. Seuss! This is a cute memorabilia piece to send off with your child. Not only is it full of advice and well wishes, it reminds them of the simpler and more joyful times in their childhood...keeping them close to home.

  4. Laptop: Some schools give students laptops, but if not, it is a good idea to send your child to school with one. They will be on-the-go a lot and not necessarily working in their dorm room. Take from someone who found that working in the school snack bar area was more productive than staying on my floor.

  5. Digital Camera: If they don't have one now, they will miss a lot without one in college. There is something memorable happening everyday. Those first few weeks of freshman year are the most photo-worthy. New buildings, new people, orientation activities, everything. And with the laptop, they can upload pictures online and share them with family! My personal recommendation is a Canon SD1000 camera. I took it to the Derby and got excellent pics out of it.

  6. For girls: Pandora Charm Bracelet: Start her off with the bracelet and 1 or 2 charms to represent her and her graduation. As the years move on, you can add to it with birthdays, holidays, etc. Pandora is one of the hottest new bracelet trends.

  7. For boys: Gifts for guys that I find online could really be for either gender (electronics, etc), but here are 2 that I find are favorites with the boys: Video Game Consoles or Collegiate Gear (fleece blanket, hat, sweatshirt, etc), or if they have a car on campus, a custom detailing or new stereo for the car.
Well, that's it for now. I have to go and get ready to head up to school. Have fun shopping! And Congrats Graduates!

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