The Day AFTER Halloween Events

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that most of you already have a plan for Halloween. Most of you have a festival, parade or party to go to. So what are you going to do on Sunday, November 1st (if you still have energy)? Here are some ideas:

The Sugarloaf Crafts Festival at the Garden State Exhibit Center | 10am-5pm

It's Millburn Fashion Week. Head downtown for promotions and sales | ends 11/5

"Yoga for Unity" fundraiser at Can Do Fitness in Princeton | 9:15am-6:30pm

Household Hazardous Waste and Computer Drop Off
in Lake Hopatcong | 9am-2pm

Tour the Skylands Manor at New Jersey Botanical Gardens in Ringwood | 11am-2pm

Rock out with Demi Lovato and David Archuleta in Atlantic City | 4pm

Miss Gilda's Club Ladies of Laughter at Bergen County Academics Auditorium | 7pm

Visions of South Africa
exhibition at Express Yourself Studios in Maplewood | 3-5pm

Catch the final showing of The Odd Couple at the Surflight Theater in Beach Haven | 2pm

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