Alzheimer's Memory Walk in Princeton

Since its launch in 1989, the Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk has raised more than $230 million towards research, care and support. The Greater NJ Chapter, which holds walks at Point Pleasant (9/27), Princeton(10/12) and Paramus(10/26) has raised over $400,00.

This past Sunday, my siblings joined Rob, Maddy and me at the 20th annual Memory Walk at the ETS campus in Princeton, NJ. It was a perfect Fall day, though it felt like late summer. There was a plethora of team t-shirts floating around the stage waiting for the official launch of the walk. Among a sea of colorful custom-made shirts were families walking for loved ones and coworkers walking for a friend. There were walkers of all ages including babies in strollers (like Maddy!). To cheer on the walkers, the Rider University and Trenton Thunder mascots gave out high-fives at the start-gate. At the conclusion of the walk, participants received door prize tickets for chances to win prizes ranging from gourmet food baskets to Stress Factory tickets for 10. It was a great way to honor my grandmother and spend time with my family.

The ETS campus sits on a sprawling 370 acres of beautifully preserved Green Acres open space. It is also the location of the Chauncey Conference Center which is used for corporate retreats and weddings. And for those who live locally, look for the LHT (Lawrence Hopewell Trail) signs near the entrance.

If you would like to volunteer for a local chapter and help with next year's walk, click here for more details. If your company would like to form a national team, click here for details.

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