Sorry for being MIA for so long

Dear readers,
I have to apologize for the lack of posting for so long. I admit that my new life has certainly caught up with me to the point where I just did not put in the time for the blog. Well, I have a lot to fill you in on:

  • I've been busy taking classes for a PR certificate at Rider University. The courses are really interesting and I'm actually doing much better than I did in my undergrad. Go figure!
  • I recently started teaching computers for the ComputerTots franchise, teaching various skills like: computer terminology, problem solving, fine motor skills, and digital imaging (with a microscope). I've had some good practice teaching to kids between the ages of 3 and 5. Luckily, my groups are between 2 and 3 kids at a time.
  • I am also very busy volunteering and practicing my PR and event planning skills. I am helping Morven Museum plan their 4th of July party for the 225th anniversary celebration of Congress meeting in Princeton. I have also been busy planning events for the Bucknell Club and I just signed on to help with PR for a "Walk 'n' Roll" local fund-raiser.
  • And luckily, I've been able to earn some money by tutoring. I now have 6 clients of various ages, levels, and abilities.
Now my BIG news, which came rather unexpectedly for me, is that I am happily 3 months and 1 week pregnant! It was part of my plan to get pregnant this year (that was part of my reason for leaving my job in Morristown), but I didn't expect to get pregnant so soon! After the initial shock and fear went away, I dove into the planning and learning mode. Thankfully, 2 of my friends are pregnant too and we are all due around the same time. How perfect! I've learned a lot and am still figuring things out everyday, but so far I've been fortunate that I've felt rather healthy.

I did have a little bit of a scare recently however, and I'm using this as a good educational opp for any woman looking to get pregnant. During my first trimester ultrasound, the doctor noticed that my Nuchal translucency fluid was 2.5 mm putting it in the 95th percentile range, though it was still in the normal range. What this means is that the baby has a higher risk for Down Syndrome. Now, most of the time, babies turn out completely normal, but these tests are there to be able to rule out any other chromosomal problems that might be present.

Following the ultrasound, we went to see a genetic counselor at Robert Wood Johnson in New Brunswick. She went over what all this means and all the tests that are available for me to have. Luckily, my blood work came back in the normal range, but I am still going to have an amnio done to find out for sure if the baby is ok.

These tests can easily give an expectant mother a good scare, but it's always good to know for sure if there is any doubt. Things are looking up right now, but I will not be completely rested until I have the amnio done.

This is still an exciting time for Rob and me. I'm not yet in the mommy mentality yet. Probably because I don't look pregnant. But it's fun looking at cute maternity and baby clothes, nursery furniture, and nursery theme ideas. I already have some thoughts in mind:

If it's a boy, I'm thinking of a blend of LBI, surfing and nautical. If it's a girl, I am channeling my favorite Plaza girl, Eloise. Of course I wouldn't want our daughter to be as mischievous as she was, but I can appreciate her flair for style and posh living. I even went so far to buy an Eloise book on eBay with the chance that we'll have a girl, someday.

As far as names go, our boy name is Jonathan "Jack" Robert Morris. For girls, we're unsure. My dream name had always been Madeline "Maddy" Buckley Morris. Rob is not sold on Madeline ("it's a little heavy"), but he does like my other faves: Catherine and Carolyn. I don't like that many girl names, but I do like the preppy and sophisticated ones. Feel free to send me your ideas!

In closing, I though I'd leave you with some of the websites I've frequented since getting pregnant (but I promise I'll be writing more from here on):
Stay tuned for more updates on the pregnancy and other things in NJ. I'll be sure to share the wisdom of my friends as well.

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