Computers for Tots!

So as if I wasn't busy enough with non-paying activities, I decided to take on a P/T gig teaching computers to Preschoolers. Through the organization called ComputerTots/Computer Explorers, I got a 1-day a week (for now) job teaching 30 minute segments to groups of 3-5 year olds. Right now, I am going through a CD-Rom game called "Little Bear" where the kids practice 'dragging' graphics, clicking on 'icons,' and navigating through a computer game. They also learn computer terms like: laptop, desktop, mouse, icon, and drag. It's a great program that fosters sharing, listening, problem solving, and fine motor skills. There are franchises all over the country and 9 locations in New Jersey.

ComputerTots is organized through Childcare Centers and Preschools. Parents sign their children up for the classes and can pay monthly or bi-weekly.

You may be thinking, how can my 3 year old really learn computers. You may be pleasantly surprised when then next time you take your computer out, they say, "oh that's a laptop," or "those are icons!" By the time the school year is over, your preschooler will have computer knowledge that children in elementary school might not.

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