Robyn will "always be around"

Do you remember when you belted out "Always be around" or "Do you know what it takes to love me" in your bedroom or around your house? I do! In the early 90s, Swedish import Robyn had 2 breakaway hits and then disappeared from the US pop scene. While she remained successful in Europe, she was not able to reclaim her hit maker status in the states. Until now! Robyn has a new self titled album out and the music is hot! My favorite is "Every Heartbeat" which you can listen to on her Myspace page or view the video on YouTube. The video and the album cover remind me of the 1927 movie Metropolis, but it's still very cool. You can purchase it now on Amazon at the import price or wait until Dec. 4th 2007 for the US release date. I hope her album receives as good a reception as it did in Europe.

1 comment:

Spoon of life said...

This is cool...I'll check it out:)

How are you my Jersey friend?!



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