Women looking to network

Today I attended the Women Interested in Networking (W.I.N) lunch at Tessara's restaurant in Hamilton. For just $15, you can enjoy a delicious lunch and swap business cards with other professional women. Find an organizer for your cluttered closet, talk with a loan officer, set up an appointment with a chiropractor or personal trainer. Even if you don't have a business to promote, but perhaps would like to network for an event, this is a great opportunity to meet other women in the area.

W.I.N is a non-committal group that is run by Terri Petry, publisher of Mercer County Woman Newspaper. The group meets the 3rd Thursday of each month and is open to anyone. You can go every month or just one time. It's your choice. There are door prizes and plenty of free brochures and materials for attendees.

I went to promote my math and computer tutoring and had some interest in both. It's a great way to spend a Thursday lunch hour and I can guarantee there is someone there for everyone!

1 comment:

Faina said...

Mrs. Mo's - thanks for your information. It was on my to do list today to call Terri Petri, as I am looking for networking opportunities. The Internet is a small world now, because I found your blog when I was searching on Google for networking groups.I am very involved in blogging for my business - real estate,so I can appreciate your efforts.

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