Rob's Bday Cake: Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Vanilla Ice Cream Cake

I made my first ice cream cake for Rob's bday on Friday. He doesn't like chocolate and is a big fan of ice cream so I decided the ice cream cake would be the way to go. My inspiration was the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Shake he got from Baskin Robbins one night after the gym (yeah, he can eat anything my friends). With some advice from my mom, I made a cake with only ice cream layers, not with alternating real cake. Here is my recipe:

1) Line the pan with foil to prevent dripping. I actually put the foil on the outside so it would be easier to remove the pan when done.
2) Crush enough cookies to line the bottom of the pan
3) Scoop out one vanilla container and hip until smooth but not melted. (Opt) Mix in cookie crumb or Reese's cups
4) Scoop in ice cream and spread across pan until smooth
5) Add another layer of crushed cookies. (Opt) Add some of the p-b cups in the middle as well.
6)**Put cake in freezer while you prepare 2nd layer of ice cream.
7) Repeat 3 & 4 with other container of ice cream. I mixed the p-b cups in the 2nd layer and used cookie in the first.
8)Sprinkle cookie crumbs on top and line the circumference of the cake with the p-b cups.
9) Wrap foil around pan to prevent dripping
10) Place in freezer. Allow a few hours to let cake freeze.

*****If I made it again, I would add more cookie crumbs and peanut butter cups to the ice cream. Also, I would either put a peanut butter sauce in the ice cream or in the cookie layer. It was still a good cake and Rob was pleased.


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