A Call to Math Teachers

This year I have really enjoyed teaching my advanced 7th graders, but have grown increasing impatience and boredom with my 6th grade curriculum. Perhaps I'm just an ansy person in general, but I'm looking for some helpful hints or advice from teachers who have found satisfaction and even success with lower level classes.

I did find it rather cute, that on Friday afternoon when one of my students was spending his 2nd hour finishing a math test, he gave me a tip for giving in-class assistance. It was so simple: walk around the room twice; if you see a student on the same problem, help them through it. Of course I knew that, but it's something that I was obviously not doing enough in that class. And maybe it's that simple that I just need to be more conscious of the small things. I am for one, always telling my students that a little bit goes a long way or rather, little mistakes add up. Children who have learning experiences in a resource room or with an ICS teacher can be so helpful to the teaching-learning process.

What are your thoughts?

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