Create an Easter Basket with a Twist

For your kids, Easter may mean dying eggs, hunting for them and diving into basket full of treats. But this year, instead of the typical sugary treats — for example, chocolate bunnies and jelly beans — consider giving a basket that includes toys, games and other small gifts. Your kids may not know it, but it's a chance to promote creativity and an active mind and body. 

Theme baskets are a great idea. For example, if your son or daughter enjoys cooking, fill a basket with kid-friendly kitchen utensils, cookbooks and recipe cards. You can also include ice cube trays with shaped molds, or a kit to make homemade ice cream and popsicles.  

If your kids have a sweet tooth, consider a few small packages of candy and 100-calorie snacks. You can also put together an additional fruit basket with clementines, apples, bananas and other favorite fruits.  

To create an "outdoor fun" basket, add items like bubbles, sidewalk chalk, a kid's sprinkler, jump rope, inflatable pool, swimmies and bouncy balls in different sizes.

Fill an "indoor" basket with coloring books, card games such as "Old Maid," flashcards, paints, stamps, stickers and books.  

If all else fails, mix it up —a little bit of this and that — and have fun with it! Your kids will surely enjoy it. 

Gwen Recinto is a writer, blogger and fitness instructor. She has been teaching for 10 years throughout South Jersey and Philadelphia. For fitness/nutrition tips and workouts, follow her on Twitter — @AllThingsGwen — and “fan” her Fit Friends page on Facebook. For inspirational articles, including how to live a healthy, happy and inspired life, visit her blog at

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