Good-Bye and Thanks!

As a work-at-home mom I rely on my daughter's long naps to get work done.  There are some days where she naps longer than others and others where she doesn't nap at all and work gets shoved aside.  I had one of those days a few months ago.  I was in the middle of a busy work week and Maddy just would not fall asleep.  Just then, I kind of had an awakening/epiphany/moment-of-truth: I can't do it all.  I'm pregnant with baby #2 and balancing a heavy workload of and my pr clients all within a small time frame everyday.  Something had to go.  And the blog was it.  

In the 3 years since I started Mrs. Mo's New Jersey, so much of my life has changed as has the format of my blog. In 3 years, I got married, had a baby, and started my own business.  I built a sizable social media following and have made a name for myself in the local Princeton area. But I had to let it go. And I will admit, I shed a few tears when I made the decision.

Once I made it public that I was ending Mrs. Mo, I had some "you're closing your blog??" responses but a lot of people understood and thought it was a good thing for me to do.  

So I'm saying good-bye today to Mrs. Mo, but I'm excited to focus on my business and my growing family.  Follow my adventures on Twitter (@MrsMoNJ), keep up with NJ features, shopping, food and more at, if you're in Princeton, follow my Princeton Packet blog or if you need someone to help you with pr or to plan your next event, visit my business site.

If you're new to the site, feel free to browse the different categories of posts at this blog:


Liz@thisfullhouse said...

Good luck and catch you on Twitter, Hilary!

Anonymous said...

I will truly miss you here, but luckily I know where to find you elsewhere. It's totally understandable why this had to be discontinued. I often wondered how you did it all. I am thankful for the time you have given us here. Good luck with all the rest, but I mostly wish you all the best for baby #2!!

fashion jewellery said...

This is a shame, i always tend to stumble on good blogs when they are ending. There's plenty for me to rea on here though. Good luck!

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