NJ DJ gives emerging artists the chance to rock the radio

Listen up singers and music groups: today is the last day for you to wonder when your music will make it on the radio.   You don’t need a television talent show when you have Rock on Radio,  a radio program dedicated to helping emerging artists get the chance they’ve been waiting for.

The host of Rock on Radio, Hamilton Township resident Danny Coleman, had a dream of going into radio, but wasn’t able to make a living at it.  As fate would have it in the form of a Craiglist ad, the long time drummer and music lover turned his hopes into a reality.

“I was home on disability after 20 years as a UPS driver and started to investigate other job possibilities,” said Coleman.  “I saw a post on craigslist that read "seeking radio show hosts." I set up a meeting with the station manager, pitched my show idea, and ROCK ON RADIO was born.”

Danny’s Sunday evening show broadcasts on WIFI AM1460 which is based out of Florence, NJ.  In less than a year on air, Rock on Radio has developed a following of nearly 100,000 listeners online, is live on 5 stations and is syndicated in 6 other outlets.

While Danny is living out his professional dream, he’s giving other new or unsigned artists a venue to showcase their talents. The format of his show is laid back and unscripted with interviews and music sampling-either from CD or live performance.  Many artists, some as young as high school, have gone on to achieve further success and attribute the boost to their appearance on the show.  

“Many of my former guests have told me that they always see a spike in CD sales and website traffic after they have made an appearance on my program. One band in particular was contacted by a radio show in Chicago Il., as well as veteran radio personality ‘Dr. Demento.’”

It may come as no surprise that due to the growing popularity in Danny’s show, he is booked through June, but he is always interested in talking with potential guests. 

Waiting for a big break can take forever. Connecting with Danny Coleman only takes a few minutes.  Send an email to Rockonradio1460@hotmail.com or call (609) 802-4208.  And keep rockin’!

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