My 2009 Mission Statement

This January, I'm not setting a "New Year's Resolution." I'm setting goals. I've already been working on and succeeding with my usual resolution to lose weight (THANK YOU WEIGHT WATCHERS!!!). This year I am putting into words the things I'd like to accomplish ranging from the simple to the more difficult (especially in this economy). Here they are in no particular order:

1) Launch H.Morris Solutions officially and have 2-3 clients by Summer. My business cards are saved on I keep having a "technical error" when I apply for my LLC EIN so today I'll give it another go. As I said, in this economy this may not be so plausible. But I'll be happy to land 1 client. I can only improve and get better from there.

2) Weigh LESS than I did at my 8th grade school physical (148). Why do I remember this number? Because it was heavier than the other girls in the room and I was only 12 at the time. Yeah and I was sharing clothes with my mom and shopping at Hit or Miss instead of Joyce Leslie and The Gap.

3) Cut down on the Splenda and any other artificial sweetener consumption. So far, I have switched from a dollop of Splenda in my oatmeal to 1 Tbsp of honey. More WW points, but more healthy. Better trade. Surprisingly, not-as-sweet = not-so-bad.

4) Complete my PR Certificate at Rider. I have 2 more classes left to take and I will be completing one via "Supervised Study" this semester.

5) Not worry about money. Gee, that's a stretch especially in this economy. However, when you have a husband who constantly tells you not to worry, you would think that I wouldn't worry. Eh, that's just not me. I like to be productive and contribute my share. Right now $100 a week in tutoring is not cutting it for me, but Rob thinks that I'm doing great. Love you babes!

6) Learn how to follow a sewing pattern well and make at least 1 dress for Maddy that is not primarily put together with no-sew glue.

7) Make more connections for Mrs Mo's Shopping Local Guide that are outside the Princeton area.

8) Get really good (or at least better) at networking and small talk. This skill will help me with Goal #1. I should think of networking as like Sorority Rush when everyone tells their name, their major, where they live on campus and what they are involved in. In the real world it would go like this: My name, my industry, my business description and a little bit about my cute little button Maddy!

9 and 10) Try to be less anxious and love myself as I love my friends and family.

Happy New Year everyone! I'd love to know your goals. Maybe we can help each other!


catfsh34 said...

i believe in you sis! You can do it all :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Hilary...loved your 'Mission Statement'...#6 about learning to sew and NOT using the glue made me laugh!! Call me if you need help. I actually can sew..I just hate the 'mess' to do it very often.

I learned to take it 5 min. at a time so that I didn't get so frustrated when I had little ones. That way I actually got a little sewing done each day.

Also, I set up a LLC 5 yrs. ago so, if you continue to have to my husband Yang...ha, I know anything!! :) We should get together soon...and brainstorm. Good luck in the new year.
xo Martha

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