Are you recycling correctly?

I have been more diligent about recycling correctly in our house ever since I spotted a poster in the Princeton Municipal Building (as I was picking up Maddy's birth certificate) indicating which items go in which colored buckets.

Many town across New Jersey have designated colored bins for curbside pick-up. In Princeton and West Windsor, we have Yellow for cans & bottles and Green for paper products. As I looked at the poster, I realized 2 things: 1) We weren't recycling certain things while 2) we recycled other items that we shouldn't. For example, I wasn't recycling the junk mail and cereal boxes(a DO) but I was leaving something like a pizza or frozen food box(a DON'T) with the Green bin. Now, as the recycling official in the house, I have not only reduced our weekly trash output, but I have felt better about the small part we can do to help the environment.

To see what exactly you should be recycling and what goes in the trash, click the image below to view the larger version. Photo courtesy of The Mercer County Improvement Authority.


ajree said...

Funny thing about that recycling. Didn't think too much about it realy until I saw litter on the ground one day, and my 6 yr old daughter told me the Earth looked sad. Got me thinking.

Mrs Mo said...

That is so cute. Kids tend to help us see the light. What she said could actually make a great recycling campaign slogan!

Jay Gregory said...

Great post about recycling in your area. It is amazing to me the differences by county in NJ and by provider on what it is considered recyclable. Some just do the bare minimum as required by law and others go above and beyond. I wish the standards in NJ were tougher.

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