Baby and Bridal Shower Thank You Note Templates

Gifts...I like. Thank you notes? Not so much. It took me FOR-E-VER to write my thank yous from my wedding, but I was much much better with my baby shower. Never-the-less, writing thank you notes is a long process and I never know what to say without sounding impersonal. If you are like me and always struggle with just the right thing to say, feel free to check out the templates I provided to make your life easier.

For baby gifts after the shower:
"It was great to see you again at the shower. Thank you for the adorable outfit. I can't wait to dress [baby's name] in it! I will also be sure to take lots of pictures. Thanks again, [love/from/regards/all my best] [your name]"

Necessities and furniture (diapers, bottles, stroller, bouncy seat, etc)
"It was great to see you again at the shower. Thank you for the [gift]. I can't believe how much a little baby needs, but I can't wait to use it all! Thanks again, [love/from/regards/all my best] [your name]"

For baby gifts after baby is born:
"Thank you for the [gift]. It was such a nice surprise and very generous. [Baby name] is doing well and keeping me/us very busy. It's so much fun watching him/her grow! Thanks again, [love/from/regards/all my best] [your name]"

For gifts after a wedding shower/wedding:
Household items/registry items
"It was great to see you again at the shower. Thank you for the [gift]. I am sure [fiance] and I will get plenty of use out of it/them. Thanks again and I look forward to seeing you again at our wedding. [Love/from/regards/all my best] [your name]"

"It was great to see you at the shower. Thank you for your generous gift. It will be helpful as [fiance] and I start our lives together. Thanks again and I look forward to seeing you again at our wedding. [Love/from/regards/all my best] [your name]"

Money (after the wedding)
"[Husband] and I were so happy to have you at our wedding. We're glad you could share this special time with us. Thank you for your generous gift. It will be helpful as [husband] and I start our lives together. Thanks again, [love/from/regards/all my best] [your name]"

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