Great gift for anyone: family, friend, boss, co-worker, etc

What to do when you don't know what to get someone for Christmas?

Send an amaryllis from White Flower Farm. You can't go wrong with this festive and long-lasting flower. Just choose from 4 different containers and 13 colors (all shades of red or white) and write a personal greeting to the recipient.

We get one every year from Rob's grandmother and it adds a special holiday flare to our front window. Water the plant when the soil seems dry or as foliage appears. Once it sprouts, you can water it more often but be careful not to water it too much.

I decided to make this plant my door prize at my annual Thanksgiving party knowing that it would take a few weeks to bloom in time for Christmas. As expected, both recipients were elated at the though of having their own amaryllis for the holiday!

Now you don't have to use the excuse, "I just didn't know what to get!"

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