Getting back to normal eating habits

It's not a cliche thing to talk about pregnancy and cravings together. However, I think the pickles and ice cream thing might be an urban legend. I definitely have my fair share of food cravings but now I'm actually starting to get back some normal eating habits. It's not like I was craving not as healthy foods, it's just that I was physically sick looking at vegetables and chicken. Even though I still can't stand the site of the frozen veggies and chicken in my freezer, I am able to eat prepared vegetable dishes (like a veggie panini) and some chicken. In the past few days, though, I recently got back my desire for salad. I haven't graduated back to spinach lettuce, but I think the iceburg mixes topped with healthy veggies and stuff is a good start! Here are some other foods I've been craving and feasting on (and normally don't eat):

  • Lean Pockets Pizzas
  • Ellios Pizza
  • Lean Cuisine Pizza (see a theme?)
  • Edy's Fruit Bars
  • Grape Nuts and yogurt
  • Fruit smoothies (at about 11-12 weeks I was craving fruity nourishment all the time)
  • Vegetable rolls (at any sushi counter) and California rolls.
  • I was on a Doritos kick. Now I can't stand to look at them. Same with Tostitos.
Here are some foods that I can't stomach or even think about eating:
  • Meet that I have to cook myself (chicken, beef, etc)
  • Vegetables (produce sections in supermarkets make me feel yucky)
  • Soup
  • Coffee
  • Ginger Ale
Too bad my cravings for wine haven't gone away. I miss my Riesling!

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